Mailing Address : PO BOX 306
223 N Main Street - Jefferson, SC 29718
Town of Jefferson
Official site for Jefferson, South Carolina
Jefferson Dixie Youth Baseball All Star Champions
Jefferson Dixie Girls Softball All Star Champions
Jefferson Recreational Complex
Dedication to Ms. Joy Sullivan
It is with sad and broken hearts that we announce the passing of our dear and true friend, Joy Sullivan. Joy has been in the Jefferson Dixie Youth family ever since we started, and she was our secretary for the past eight years. She was truly a dedicated worker in our program as well as our community. Her love for the kids were indescribable.
On October 7th, 2021, we held a dedication service at the Jefferson Recreation Complex. The softball press box was dedicated in Ms. Joy's memory. Joy's selfless dedication to our organization, her contagious laughter, and her love of sports will be greatly missed.